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Dr. Bill Misner

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Dr. Bill Misner is a Disabled American War Veteran and an AAMA Board Certified Alternative Medicine Practitioner who holds a Ph.D. in Holistic Nutrition. He was born in Greencastle, Indiana, USA on February 22, 1940. He graduated from Indiana University in 1962 with a degree in Physical Education and Athletic Training. During the Vietnam era, Dr. Misner served in the United States Marine Corps from 1960-1965.  From 1984-1996, William worked as a Certified Athletic Trainer for a Sports Physical Therapy Clinic in Spokane, Washington before pursuing graduate study that led to a Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Holistic Nutrition from the American Holistic College of Nutrition (with highest honors) 1996.


From 1996 through 2006, Dr. Misner headed the Research and Product Development department for Hammer Nutrition Ltd., Montana. During that time, he contributed important nutrition articles to Vogue, Heart and Soul, Runners World, Ski Magazine, Muscle Magazine, Muscle Media Magazine, Trail Runner Magazine, and Let's Live Magazine. He served as a faculty alternate for the New York Chiropractic College Masters A.C.N. Nutrition Program, an invited speaker to Idaho University Dieticians, National Advisory Board member of the American Fitness Professionals and Associates, and an Associate Editor to the American Society of Exercise Physiologists. Dr. Misner's original research papers were published in the prestigious Clinical Practice of Alternative Medicine Journal, the International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Research, the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, and the Canadian Medical Association Journal. His first nutrition book was, “Nutrition For Endurance – Finding Another Gear, Dolezal & Associates (1998).


After retiring in 2006, Dr. Misner’s research studies focused on several associations between diet and health. His 2nd nutrition book, “What Should I Eat? A Food Endowed Prescription For Well Being,” won 3rd place in the Publisher’s best new books of the month in July 2008. During 2009 and 2010, he studied research studies through Cornell University’s Plant Based Nutrition Certificate course. As a continuation to his research experience, Dr. Misner made an easy decision to join VALORS Mission Advisory Board after learning of their promising mission and future.

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